Friday, 3 May 2013

Autumn Time

Well that was a huge few months! 

Time for a little update. 

 In no particular order here are some amazing experiences Veggie Velo has had in the past few months:

  • The Big Day Out, Adelaide. That. Was. Huge.
  • Barrio for the Adelaide Festival. Great fun, great food, great people! (I’d be surprised if many of our customers remember what they ate for dinner though, 6 bars in full swing can really get the party going!)
  • Fork on the Road, Adelaide, support for this event is of mega proportions. Thank you to everyone who came and bought a veggie burger! 
  • Scum Fest. Yep, it was different for us, but the customers were lovely and made our stay at the Old Queens Theatre awesome. 
  • ‘Oi You’ Art exhibition opening at the Adelaide Festival Centre, we were so impressed at the number of people who came along to support this festival. Excellent turn out, and a great chance to meet Tash and co. from the Annexe at Glenelg, our Veggie fix at the bay. 
  • Mini Maker Faire Adelaide, lovely day of learning new things, and meeting nice people, what more could we ask for? 
  • World Vegan Day Festival. Well next time we will certainly bring more food! 
  • And last but not least our regular street side service. It’s going well, so many smiling faces and supportive customers- Thank you! Hindmarsh Square, North Terrace, Leigh Street are our favourites and we can’t wait to meet you all! 

We are still amazed by the huge response to us, and the mobile food vendors of Adelaide in general. It gives us such a positive feeling about the future of Adelaide, a city we feel so happy to be living in! We feel like the people of Adelaide are realising that to cause change they need to be active in making it happen, and that sitting back and appreciating something that’s going on is not enough, you need to be a part of it for it to work. We really believe that as more people are travelling around the world they are not only appreciating what they have here in Adelaide, but are more open to new ideas, and want to bring some of those ideas home. We regularly get people saying they’ve seen vending bicycles in Asian, Europe or America and understand what we are about. It so nice!
There really seems to be a buzz of new activity in Adelaide, a momentum we hope continues, and we really want to be a part of that positivity. 
Before I leave you with some photos from our adventures, I just wanted to make special mention of the charity group Fauna Rescue of South Australia Inc. During the Adelaide Festival we spent one night raising money for this group. It was just a little drop in the ocean of what we would like to do long term, but it was really rewarding. We raised $150 in one night just by donating a percentage of our sales to them. We know that money will go towards feeding animals in recovery, funding vet bills and creating nurturing environments for animals in need of assistance. So good! Thanks to everyone who came and supported us on this (and every) night, and made this possible. Thanks to Robyn Wood from the Fauna Rescue group for helping us organise this! 
The End of Summer Fridays
A lot of bread for the Big Day Out

Set up for the Big Day Out the night before

Behind the scenes

North Terrace, little bicycle food court.

Scum Fest 2013
Staff meals
North Terrace is a perfect spot!
Before at Barrio

Setting up, Thanks Mum & Dad for the help!

Fitting right in at Barrio

Hindmarsh Square

Festival Centre
Oi You Exhibition Opening Set Up

Uni S.A

Leigh Street